Flowers v. Mississippi, Supreme Court of the United States, 2019 WL 25524892019 WL 2552489,June 21, 2019 Defendant, (Flowers) who is black, was indicted for the murder of four employees of a Mississippi furniture store, three of whom were white. Flowers was tried six separate times for the murders and was…
San Francisco Criminal Lawyer Blog
Can a Pardon by the Governor Prevent Deportation?
What is a a gubernatorial pardon? [Source: Immigration Legal Resource Center; UCLA School of Law Criminal Defense Clinic In California, a pardon restores certain rights people lost a result of criminal conviction, for example the ability to obtain certain professional licenses. A pardon is formal recognition that an individual…
A Child Safety Restraint Ticket Can Cost You a Point on Your California License
Everyone knows that certain offenses can result in your accumulating points on your California driver’s license, and everyone should know that those points are a serious matter as too many points in too short a span of time can result in the loss of your driving privileges. Most people know…
Right to privacy: Can police demand your cell-phone passcode
Police need a warrant to search a cellphone, but the issue of whether law enforcement can compel someone to divulge a passcode has not been resolved. According to Apple News the Indiana Supreme Court heard arguments on the issue and the state supreme courts in Pennsylvania and New Jersey may…
Youth as a Mitigating Factor in Criminal Defense
Youth are generally viewed as having less culpability under criminal law than adults who commit similar crimes. The mitigating factors of a defendant’s youth can be used to argue for a court to exercise its discretion to strike enhancements. For example, under section 12022.5, subdivision (c) a court may dismiss…
The Term “Prima Facie” In The Context Of Habeas Petitions and SB 1437
Definition of Prima Facie Prima Facie is Latin for “at first sight” and means based on what seems to be the truth when first seen or heard. Prima facie may be used as an adjective meaning “sufficient to establish a fact or raise a presumption unless disproved or rebutted.” An…
Latest Criminal Cases
Trial Court may impose additional release conditions even after a defendant has posted bail In re Webb, 2019 WL 2220410, S247074,May 23, 2019 Bettie Webb was arrested and charged with two felony counts of bringing controlled substances in to state prion and unauthorized possession of a controlled substance in a…
California Lawmakers Consider Adding DMV Point Penalties for Drivers Distracted by Cell Phones
Everyone agrees that driving while distracted is a bad thing. What everyone does not agree on, however, is how best to go about encouraging drivers to put down their cell phones while behind the wheel. Currently, the California legislature is considering a bill that would increase the penalties associated with…
Federal Law does not preempt California’s Immigration Consultant’s Act
Defendant Sara Arcelia Salcido was in the business of obtaining visas for her clients that would allow them to stay in the United States legally. The Immigration Consultants Act (Bus. & Prof. Code, §§ 22440–22449) (Act) makes it illegal for a person to act as an “immigration consultant” unless they…
How an expungement of a criminal conviction may help you drive for Uber and Lyft
Uber and Lyft under increased pressure for more intensive background checks Uber and Lyft have conducted their own background checks on drivers in most states with little or no oversight and have used lobbyists to shape legislation that would regulate how they perform background checks on drivers. However, under a…